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With JB Installations we can unbox, install, setup and give you a crash course on how to use your new product so you can enjoy it sooner!

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TV installations

We can mount your TV on the wall and get you installed and connected for the ultimate viewing experience. Add-ons available like cable hiding.

TV installations

Audio installations

From soundbar setup or wall mounting to getting your new home theatre setup tuned perfectly to your space, we've got sorted.

Audio installations

Computer, Mobile & Tablet installations

Take the hassle out of setting up your new computer, phone or tablet and let our tech heads work their magic and do it for you.

Computer & Mobile installations

Smart Home & Wi-Fi installation

Get your home Wi-Fi connected along with your Smart Home gadgets. We install Smart lighting, smart speakers and Robovacs.

Smart Home & Wi-Fi installation

Projector installation

You and your cinema room will love this one. We can get your projector set up and callibrated perfectoly for your space and ceiling mount if required. Projector screen add-on also available.

Projector installation

Why use JB Installations?

Professional installers

Our expert installers ensure safety and protection of your products and premises.

Peace of mind

All our technicians are background checked, trained, and certified compliant.

Convenient appointments

We’ve got appointments to best suit your schedule.

Hassle free setup and tutorial

Get a simple tutorial of your system setup with a step-by-step guide on key features.

Clean up and packaging removal

Our technicians will clean up and remove any packaging. So, you can sit back and relax when your install is done.

Safe and insured

We’re fully insured with years of experience, to provide you with a professional and reliable service.

Things to know


Got a question about our installation services?

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